Terms and Conditions
Stichting Game Jam Noord-Nederland
Terms & Conditions
30 November 2018
1 General
We, Stichting Game Jam Noord-Nederland strive to organise a yearly game jam.
The goal of this event is for participants to develop a (video) game according
to a set theme within a set time. We strive to attract a multidisciplinary public
and initiate contact with professionals and students alike. In this policy, ”we”,
”us” and ”our” refer to Stichting Game Jam Noord- Nederland. For more
information about us, see Section 8.
2 Participation & enrollment
1. A participant is anyone who buys a ticket for a game jam through
2. Participation is allowed for anyone of at least 18 years of age, or anyone
of at least 16 years of age if, prior to the event, permission is granted by
a parent or guardian. We reserve the right to ask participants to verify
their age through identification.
3. During the event, we will make sure enough food and drinks are present
at the location. A wireless internet connection will be present and accessible.
Any hardware or sleeping gear must be provided by participants
4. Participants participate at their own risk.
5. We reserve the right to exclude participation to anyone who provides false
or inadequate information, or to anyone who commits unlawful acts in
preparation of or during the event.
6. We reserve the right to alter or cancel, without prior notice, any of the
arrangements relating directly or indirectly to an event, for any circumstances
beyond our reasonable control. This includes the cancellation of
an event itself.
3 Cancellation
Cancellations must be sent to contact@globalgamejam.nl. If a cancellation is
sent earlier than ten working days before the event, the entire ticket price is
refunded. If this happens more than five working days before the event, 50% of
the ticket price is refunded. For cancellations issued within five working days
before the start of the event, we will not issue a refund.
4 Personal data
During the event, pictures or video’s may be taken to promote our events online
or with physical prints.
5 Intellectual property
All developed games developed at a game jam belong to the participants.
6 Time & location
The moment of the game jam is determined by the international Global Game
Jam organisation. The dates can be found at their website, www.globalgamejam.org.
We will timely communicate the exact start and end times of the event at our
location to the participants.
7 Additional
During the game jam, the organizers may provide additional guidelines to ensure
the good course of the event.
8 Our details
1. This website, and the event, is operated by Stichting Game Jam NoordNederland.
2. We are registered in the Netherlands under registration number 71827668,
and our registered office is at W. Dreesstraat 20, 9728ST, Groningen, the
3. Our principal place of business is at W. Dreesstraat 20, 9728ST, Groningen,
4. You can contact us by email, using the email address published on our
website from time to time.