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The Global Game Jam is an amazing inspiring weekend of quick game development. Armed with a worldwide theme and much vigour, the GGJ challenges teams from all over the world to create a game in 48 hours.
Due to the ongoing global pandemic situation, this year’s GGJ will be hosted entirely online. Locations all over the netherlands have joined forces to bring you the largest dutch GGJ location as of yet. We are expecting hundreds of participants to be a part of this epic gathering.
Game jam?
Game jams are comparable to hackathons, but for games. In under 48 hours (Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon) you create a (digital or analog) game from scratch, including design, artwork, building and (hopefully) testing. Game jams revolve around inspiring one another, going crazy with experimental ideas and celebrating how wonderful game development is.
What do I get?
Our jam features 24/7 access; meals from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon; fruit and hot drinks throughout the weekend; and a finale with a range of prizes awarded by a jury from the workfield.
What do I need?
The GGJ is mostly attended by game students and professional game developers, though we invite everyone who’s excited about game development to come! Jammers work in teams, but don’t worry: if you don’t have a team yet, you can assemble one on the spot. In general, how you get your tickets doesn’t influence team assembly, so you can just order individually.
When ordering, don’t forget that you need to bring your own PC and other equipment; anything you want to eat beyond our meals; and sleeping gear. We also recommend bringing extra power socket strips, just in case.
Tickets for the Groningen location are only sold through this website. Sales are nowe live! If you’re an MBO student, you may be eligible for discount coupons made possible by your school. You can safely order now, and we will reimburse you if you get a discount later on.